High-Risk Ambulance



There are three High-Risk Ambulance (HRA) providers within Los Angeles County. They are Falck Ambulance, McCormick Ambulance, and AMR Ambulance. HRAs are Los Angeles County and Region 1 State assets that are utilized to safely transport highly-infectious special pathogen patients who are confirmed or suspected of having an emerging infectious disease. The unique design of the HRAs allows for safe and proper containment, decontamination, and transportation of special pathogens. The HRAs are dispatched through the  LA County EMS Agency and respond within 60 minutes from notification. There are six units available for mutual aid requests.

Please contact Nnabuike Nwanonenyi at (562) 378-2460 or nwanon@dhs.lacounty.gov if you have any questions or require additional information about the HRAs.

HRA Locations 



HRA Features

HRA Highlights

HRA Flyer

HRA Flyer 2023.docx

Visit the HRA providers webpages for more information