Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)


There are approximately ~400 SNFs within Los Angeles County.  They are under the jurisdiction of the local Public Health Departments. A SNF is required to provide 24-hour skilled nursing care, as well as related or rehabilitative services. The typical resident is a person who is chronically ill or recuperating from an illness or surgery and needs regular nursing care and other health related services. Residents in SNFs are under the care of their personal physician or the facilities’ medical director. Each resident must have an individual plan of care developed by the physician, resident (or his/her representative) and facility staff. These facilities provide a protective environment with medical and social services for individuals whose care needs cannot be met at home or in a residential care setting. 

The California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF) is the healthcare coalition representative for the SNF sector, which advocates for the ~400 SNFs throughout Los Angeles County. CAHF is the conduit and integrator of services, providing support to help Los Angeles  County SNFs address the needs of their communities. They identify the collective needs of SNFs and work to address them through advocacy, education, peer support and other services. CAHF connects SNFs with one another, shares and leverages resources, increases organizational capacity, and raises a unified voice at the local, state, and federal levels on behalf of Los Angeles County SNFs. 

SNF Liaison Organization

Please contact Nnabuike Nwanonenyi at (562) 378-2460 or if you have any questions or require additional information about the SNF sector.



Jason Belden (CAHF) - 

Mary Story (CAHF) –